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martes, 28 de enero de 2014

De la mano del Steampunk alrededor del mundo

Dado que las múltiples manifestaciones del Steampunk no se limitan sólo a la literatura, donde nació este movimiento, las comunidades de aficionados tampoco se limitan ya a su zona geográfica. El Steampunk se manifiesta ahora de muchas formas; y con su gran popularidad, la comunidad ha crecido como una sola hasta abarcar todo el mundo.

El corazón de este nuevo proyecto —Steampunk Hands Aroundthe World, dirigido por Kevin Steil (creador y editor de la web AirshipAmbassador)— es una manifestación evidente y la celebración misma de esa asociación global. Con la colaboración de más de treinta creadores Steampunk (blogueros, escritores, organizadores de eventos…) este proyecto será durante todo Febrero una presentación multiformato que pretende ilustrar al público sobre la gran conexión y comunicación existente en la comunidad; tanto para el público Steampunk como para el no Steampunk.

Comenzando el Domingo 2 de Febrero y hasta el Viernes 28, el grupo procurará mostrar activamente que las comunidades Steampunk de todo el mundo están conectadas y unidas de un modo u otro y que hay mucha gente de todas las culturas presente en ella que no se limita a su zona geográfica nacional o regional.

El Steampunk, en todas sus manifestaciones, une a la gente en una red global con una peculiar y similar forma de pensar. La comunidad Steampunk es tan global y moldeable que se adapta fácilmente para abarcar agente de todas las edades de un modo nunca visto anteriormente.

La lista completa y diariamente actualizada de páginas,blogs y eventos será publicada en la entrada que dará inicio al proyecto en elblog de noticias de Airship Ambassador:


 Para más información,contactar con Kevin Steil en

(Traducción de Josue Ramos)

Press Release - Steampunk Hands Around the World

Just as current day expressions of steampunk are not limited to the literature where it began, the people in the steampunk community are not bound to any one geographical region. Steampunk appears in many forms, and with its popularity, the community has grown to encompass the world.

The celebration and sharing of that global association is at the heart of a new project, Steampunk Hands Around the World, by Kevin Steil, the creator and editor of steampunk news and information resource website, Airship Ambassador. With more than three dozen steampunk creators - bloggers, authors, event organizers, and others - also participating, the month long project is a multi format media presentation about the international connections and communications in the community, for steampunks and non-steampunks alike.

Beginning Sunday, February 2nd, and continuing until Friday, February 28th, the group will show and share that steampunks everywhere are linked together and that new friends are waiting in every conversation.

Steampunk, in its many forms, brings people together in an inclusive and helpful network of similar mind. From sharing book and music review opinions, to playing the newest games and sharing DIY information on fashion and props, the steampunk community easily and comfortably brings together people ages eight to eighty in ways not often seen in other communities.

The full and updated-daily list of participating websites, blogs and events will be posted in the kick-off blog on the Airship Ambassador blog site:

For more information, please contact Kevin Steil at

lunes, 27 de enero de 2014

The rise of the Steampunk Hands

A global event in the Steampunk approaches during the month of February, in which the steamer community worldwide show that is interconnected and united, besides generating creations and alternative worlds, friendships. 

For this, two intrepid reporters and anachronic members will portray the panorama of Barcelona Steampunk, Lady Miranda and Lady Mara will visit them, camera in hand, to their homes, their workshops, shops, bars, to publicize the community steampunk home to the city of Barcelona. 

We are preparing appointments for interviews, if you are interested do not hesitate to contact us, to be portrayed and to join your hands to the Steampunk Hands.